Last year we launched Google Tag Manager to make it easier for marketers to use tools like analytics, conversion tracking and Remarketing without having to edit website code. Google Tag Manager lets marketers place a single tag (a tiny piece of javascript code) on their site, and then with our easy-to-use UI, they can add or update other measurement and marketing tags without bugging the IT folks.

We’ve been thrilled by the response. Google Tag Manager is now serving twice the amount of traffic it was in April 2013, as a significant number of large advertisers with complex tagging needs have signed on.

I’d like to share a few recent Google Tag Manager success stories with you. They range across industries, but all of the customers profiled had a few things in common:
  • They needed to deploy a large number of marketing tags to enable their advertising campaigns, often with complex logic around what data to include from the page, and which tags to fire when.
  • Marketers were dependent on IT to deploy these tags.
  • Limited IT resources meant slow turnaround time, lost insights, and lost revenue.
Smarter Travel Media (an online travel portfolio company), retailer Dafiti, and trip planning company Rail Europe all implemented Google Tag Manager to put marketers back in charge of deploying their campaigns. I’ll let them speak to the results:

“With Google Tag Manager, we can literally deploy a tag in minutes and provide marketing partners with all the custom data they might need. Now, we’re better equipped to optimize our digital campaigns than ever.”

-- Lothaire Ruellan, Director of Online Marketing, Rail Europe

“Google Tag Manager has been very useful so far, cutting our time-to-market on launching new campaigns and media partners, and reducing overhead on IT.” 

- Anderson Kenji Mise, Marketing Intelligence Manager, Dafiti

 “With the Google Tag Manager solution in place, we can deploy tags much faster and with far fewer resources. Therefore, the revenue justification can be smaller and we’re able to test new channels more frequently and with greater speed.

-- Brett Malone, Senior Manager of Search, Smarter Travel Media

Read the full case studies here:

Get started with Google Tag Manager now at the GTM site, watch our introductory webinar for an overview or view our technical implementation webinar to answer your in-depth questions.

Update: have Google Tag Manager questions? We'll be answering them in this thread on Google+.

Posted by Lukas Bergstrom, Product Manager, Google Tag Manager