New Google Analytics Book Released
May 27, 2010

Sebastian: "Google Analytics can save you money! Use it to figure out what works with your online marketing, invest in that, and throw out the rest. This is the focus of our new title on Google Analytics geared toward business people and online marketers with an eye toward the bottom line."
Avinash Kaushik pitched in with a Forward, writing: "The key to real and magnificent success is not the ability to purchase a tool... but rather the ability to ensure a clean implementation and bring to it a mental model that will rock this world. This book is focused, page after detailed page, on doing just that."
See how real-world businesses use Google Analytics to drive online strategy and improve ROI on a daily basis. Follow step-by-step examples and learn how to:
- Track and optimize social media, SEO, email and offline campaigns.
- Maximize ROI on your marketing spend.
- Build a strong team to support Google Analytics inside your organization.
- Get more from your Adwords campaign.
- Use the web to understand what customers want.
- Create customer loyalty on your site.
- Use feedback from users to guide online strategy.
- Win share from competitors.
Caleb went further into depth on the contents: "This book tackles the delicate challenge of teaching how to think as well as what to do.
- The first section focuses on the philosophical, managerial and organizational aspects of succesfully utilizing web analytics technologies to drive greater marketing performance.
- The second section covers the end-to-end of how to plan, install, configure, and use Google Analytics to its fullest capability.
- The final sections then covers application of the concepts and capabilities from the first sections to specific marketing disciplines - site optimization, display and sponsored search ads, organic search engine optimization, offline, email marketing, and more.