Today, we announced the release of the beta version of a new open-source browser: Google Chrome. We encourage you to download it and give it a try.

Google Chrome features a simple and intuitive user interface as well as an entirely new architecture designed for speed, security, and stability. You can find out more about other Google Chrome features here.

We built Google Chrome so that most webmasters and site owners shouldn't have to make changes to their sites. If your site is compatible with Safari, it will also be compatible with Google Chrome as they are both built using WebKit. If you have questions regarding compatibility with your site, feel free to refer to the Google Chrome information for web developers site.

Here are some answers to questions that Google Analytics users might have:

Q. Can I track Google Chrome visitors to my website properly?
A. Yes - visitors who use Google Chrome and visit your site will be tracked by Google Analytics just like other visitors. The only exception is when Google Chrome users activate incognito mode within Google Chrome. When a user goes to your website, turns on incognito mode and returns to your website, they will not be counted as a return visitor, but rather a new visitor. This is similar to what would happen if a user actively clears his or her cookies.

Q. Can I look at my Google Analytics reports in Google Chrome?
A. Yes, definitely. Google Analytics reports look beautiful and load nice and fast in Google Chrome!

Q. Will I see Google Chrome listed as a browser in my Google Analytics reports?
A. Yes, very soon. We'll let you know immediately once the change happens.

For more information about why we built Google Chrome, see our Google blog post.